A primary goal is the development of a protective AIR AND SENSOR UMBRELLA in which situational awareness is improved via ground and airborne systems. Individual troops and their ground vehicles will feature high magnification Infra-Red and Night Vision sights, while UAVs and numerous attack helicopters will be employed to project power at range. Such a set up (superior sensing ability) is necessary to compensate for the relatively low number of ground forces.
Widespread use of vehicle and infantry deployed anti-tank guided weapons (ATGW) and thermobaric missile systems will be another feature (including missiles that can be fired from 105 and 120mm guns). A breakdown of Army Division functionality, in terms of equipment, follows. Note: Small arms and Special Forces Units are not covered here.
Ground Forces
1st Division: 5 Combined Arms Brigades of 4500+ soldiers (Armoured/Mechanised Units)
Core Equipment and Weapon Systems:
Main Battle Tanks - Leopard 2A7 (or better) with 120mm gun.
Tracked IFVs - Linx KF41 with 30/40mm, 105mm gun, 120mm mortar, and ATGW.
Wheeled Recon Vehicles - Jaguar EBRC with 30/40mm gun, 105mm gun, ATGW.
Wheeled IFVs - Boxer with 30/40mm gun, ATGW, 105mm-120mm gun variants plus 120mm mortar fire support.
Wheeled APCs & Light Recon Vehicles - Bushmaster & Hawkei PMVs with 12.7mm gun, ATGW.
Tracked/Wheeled Artillery - AS9 Huntsman 155mm, Rhino 155mm, Caesar 155mm, EVO105s, and Towed 155mm M777 guns.
Amphibious Units:
Tracked APCs - Arisgator M113 with 12.7mm gun, 40mm grenade, 81mm mortar, ATGW.
Wheeled IFVs - ACV with 12.7mm gun, 105mm gun, ATGW.
Key supporting elements:
Unmanned Ground Vehicles: Wheeled mine detection road vehicles, tracked M113AS4s with ATGW/30mm gun system, plus a small trailer mounted off-road tracked UGV for urban combat.
Mine Clearance Vehicles (Husky III/2G).
UAV launch & recover, including Killer UAV drones.
Electronic Warfare attack & defence, drone jamming.
Anti-Air/Missile/Drone vehicles incorporating guns (K30 Biho) and medium/long range missiles (NASAMS & MEADS).
2nd Division: 7 Reserve Force Brigades of 2500+ troops (Motorised/Mechanised Infantry/Cavalry Units)
Core Equipment and Weapon Systems:
Wheeled Light Recon Vehicles - Hawkei PMVs with 30mm or 12.7mm gun and ATGW.
Wheeled APCs - Bushmaster PMVs with 12.7mm gun, 81mm mortar, ATGW.
Tracked IFVs - CV90 Mk.IV with 30/40mm ATGW and 105mm gun.
Tracked APCs - M113AS4 with 12.7mm gun, 81mm mortar, ATGW (limited numbers).
Technical Vehicles - Hilux with 12.7mm & 7.62mm guns, 81mm mortar, ATGW.
Wheeled Artillery - EVO105s and Towed 155mm M777 guns.
Key supporting elements:
Unmanned Ground Vehicles (limited numbers).
Mine Clearance Vehicles (Husky III/2G).
UAV launch & recover, including Killer UAV drones.
Electronic Warfare attack & defence, drone jamming (limited numbers).
Anti-Air/Missile/Drone vehicles incorporating guns (K30 Biho) and short/medium range missiles (NASAMS).
3rd Division: 7 Irregular NDF Brigades of 2500+ troops (Mobile Infantry/Cavalry Units)*
Core Equipment and Weapon Systems:
Wheeled Light Recon/Lead Element Vehicles - Hawkei PMVs with 30mm or 12.7mm gun and ATGW.
Technical Vehicles - Hilux with 12.7mm & 7.62mm guns, 81mm mortar, ATGW.
Wheeled Artillery - EVO105s (limited numbers)
Key supporting elements:
UAV launch & recover, including Killer UAV drones.
Electronic Warfare attack & defence, drone jamming (limited numbers).
MANPAD Anti-Air missiles.
*3rd Division is a National Defence Force recruited from the civilian population with reduced physical requirements where candidates will need to pass aptitude tests and background checks before being accepted to training. Training will be less involved than that of the standard Reserve troops. The NDF will be taught combat tactics and strategy including the philosophy and reasoning behind war and service in defence of the country. Live fire ranges will be established close to the population centres, from which 3rd Division members are recruited, to allow easy training of the force. Their standard equipment, making the division highly mobile, will consist of more than 5000 up-armoured technical vehicles armed with heavy machine guns, 81mm mortars, and anti-tank guided weapons. Mine resistant Hawkei PMVs, armed with 30mm guns, will act as the lead vehicle for columns of NDF technical vehicles.
Expanded ADF Cadets Program
In order to facilitate the growth of the Army 1st and 2nd Division, and to allow for the creation of 3rd Division (the National Defence Force), and to also enable the raising of a very large Irregular Civilian Infantry Force at short notice, the ADF Cadets program will be expanded to more schools throughout the country. Basic weaponry skills will be taught that allow students to operate assault rifles, heavy machine guns, mortars, and anti-tank weapons in conjunction with programs that encourage physical activity with some teaching on the philosophical aspects of war and of service in defence of the country - that the world is not a peaceful place and that negotiation from a position of strength is preferable to being the victim.
The ADF Online Gaming Community
The ADF is to partner with an online gaming platform, such as Call of Duty, to establish a first person shooter experience that pits Defence personnel against "Orange Force" that will occupy areas in Northern Australia - where the enemy will have air support, artillery, and field weapons systems comparable to the ADF. Other options will include counter insurgency missions in the Indo-Pacific region, or in other locations around the world. Players will gain some measure of familiarity with the necessary tactics and weapons that might be encountered in real world scenarios, especially in open field environments found on the Australian continent. The game takes inspiration from the United States platform, America's Army.
For specific information on Army ground force equipment types see
ADF Vehicles, ARMOUR, Artillery and Support
For Army battlegroup composition see
ADF Combined Arms Battlegroup
For specific information on Army air transportation see
ADF Air Transport (Fixed and Rotary Wing)
Air-Umbrella Elements
It is essential that land forces operate under air cover wherever possible in order to detect and act upon opposing forces at range. The following are core aviation components associated with ground force operations:
Armed UAVs (20+)
These large drones, MQ-9 Reapers (or MQ-1C Grey Eagles), are to act as scouts and provide near continuous surveillance with a secondary ground attack role. Such UAVs will forward deploy ahead of Army rotary wing aircraft and act as air defence decoys where needed. Up to two Squadrons would be fielded with total aircraft numbers between 20 to 30 aircraft. The large UAVs are intended to supplement the smaller RQ-7 Shadow and Scan Eagle battlefield drones. Because of the threat of jamming or hacking, manned aircraft systems must still be retained at the current levels presently envisaged. These aircraft will be operated by the Air Force.
Future Equipment: Tactical multi-day endurance UAV balloon-type airships, that can shadow patrols and provide real time imagery, will take the place of some fixed wing UAVs. A low cost multi-day, long endurance, balloon-airship UAV will use a hybrid power system featuring solar panels and a gasoline engine.
Attack Helicopters (44)
The number of attack helicopters must be significantly increased in order to provide close air support for the relatively small numbers of ADF ground troops. They must be ship deployable and carry air-to-air missiles for self-defence. Tiger ARHs are to be replaced by off-the-shelf AH-64E Apache or USMC AH-1Zs. Future equipment will include coaxial rotor gunships.
Scout Helicopters (27)
The S-97 Raider should be acquired that can also act as a light fire support aircraft whilst maintaining a useful level of utility.
Lightweight Battlefield-Recon UAVs (100+)
Models such as the RQ-7 Shadow, ScanEagle, and Wasp III will accompany motorised, mechanised, and armoured units and be deployed from specialised UAV carrying Bushmaster PMVs. These drones are intended to operate at some kilometres from their ground units.
Killer UAVs (Loitering Munitions)
Switchblade UAVs and similar types of loitering munitions, essentially flying bombs, will be fielded from the specialised UAV carrying Bushmaster PMVs. Many rounds will be carried in order to conduct precision strikes on targets detected by other drones.
Common Vehicle Carried UAVs
Aside from specialised vehicles that are intended to operate UAVs at range many individual vehicles will carry easy-to-deploy quadcopter, or similar, drones as a redundancy measure and as a close in layer of support. Such drones must be able to carry lightweight munitions such as a grenade or mount a rifle. Further in the future each vehicle will come equipped with its own set of relatively small rechargeable, and armed, UAVs that will fly ahead autonomously in areas requiring surveillance.
Squad Level UAVs
Each infantry Squad should carry two small UAV drones that are normally folded away in a slim case with an iPad or iPhone controller. These drones are for use in high threat environments - in situations where locating enemy positions is very difficult. Typically this would be when under sustained fire from unseen opponents or when entering a hostile village or urban environment.
Addendum: Equipment and Sensor Notes
Night Vision and IR Scopes, with high magnification are necessary for all front line units. Vehicle mounted sights must be upgraded to include very high magnification detection equipment and individual soldiers fitted with similar capabilities.
Consideration for a switch to a 7.62mm Battle Rifle (or to 6.8mm Cartridges) to provide more shock value in terms of infantry firepower and to enable longer engagement ranges. An altered version of the Amicus bullpup, modified to fire a plastic case 7.62x51mm NATO round, should be considered. The current designated marksman's rifle, the HK417, chambered for 7.62mmx51mm ammunition, should be retained.
Substantial increase in Anti-Tank and Anti-Air weapons systems will occur, reiterating the point made in the introduction, which includes both man-portable and vehicle mounted varieties. The importance of such missile systems, in combination with high magnification scopes, cannot be overstated. A demonstration of Anti-Tank Guided Weapons in combat can be viewed in the second half of this video. Thermobaric anti-personnel warheads will be part of the inventory alongside anti-armour types. An upgraded Carl Gustav M4, using smart fire-and-forget munitions that lock onto the intended target, will also be added to the inventory. The introduction of the RPG-7USA, to compliment or replace the existing LAW rockets, should also be considered.
Lightweight Tactical Periscopes are to be made available for looking around and over cover. Infantry need to make use of cover, and in situations where the incoming fire is heavy or accurate, sticking up a periscope for a quick look can make a big difference. A key requirement of these periscopes is they must be attachable to the side of ADF rifles, next to, or plugged into, the rifle scope, or possibly mounted on the stock at the rear. This gives the option of returning fire from behind cover.

Strategic, Economic and Societal Considerations
Without an overall long term Socio-Economic Strategy internal and external forces could act to undermine the systems and structure needed to facilitate the defence of the country. Any significant degradation of the Australian economy or society will impact the ability of the ADF to maintain its current equipment and personnel.
In order to develop and retain wealth within the country - to support the ADF's revenue base, and protect our overall economic independence - business, trading and taxation laws have to be biased strongly in favour of Australian (based) companies and employment. Economic policy must be geared against offshore profiteering, tax minimisation, harmful monopolisation, and foreign acquisition of national assets. Failure to act here would respectively find the country's wealth extracted, inaccessible, concentrated, and/or captured by overseas interests. Maintaining a strong level of internal productive activity, that creates jobs and provides a level of practical capability, is the most important economic consideration.
To further stimulate economic activity the cost of living (utilities-energy and rates) must be minimised. The deprivatisation of utilities should be considered since profiteering in these monopolistic or rigid markets (there is no real competition) has driven costs upwards whilst providing poorer services. Moreover, profiteering has led to vital infrastructure being poorly maintained. Lowering of council rates can be achieved by a drastic reduction in Government expenses, with a mindset of service rather than of self importance and entitlement. Huge reductions in exorbitant public service salaries, at National, State and Local levels will be required. It is a fact that all Government institutions draw their funding, for the most part, from personal income and business, taking away money from the wealth generating side of the economy. While funds must be spent on infrastructure and services, including police and hospital funding, costs must not be allowed to go out of control.
Outside of simply increasing/protecting the revenue base, and controlling expenses, policies must be enacted, in the National Interest, so that levels of internal functionality and self sufficiency are maintained for practical strategic reasons. Action should be taken in the following areas (that repeat some of what has already been outlined):
# Maintenance of a domestic oil refining capability and the creation of strategic fuel reserves in multiple locations.
# Maintenance of a domestic technological and industrial capability, including vehicle manufacturing outside of the defence sector.
# Maintenance of a domestic arms industry.
# Maintenance of the country's food self sufficiency and independence, protecting this industry from GMO monopolists or other threats.
# Maintenance of a physically and mentally healthy civilian population, which includes promotion of sporting activities, nutrition, and social/psychological conditioning programs that encourages self confidence, effort, and respect for others (where the adult population is reminded of the need to set a good example for their children). Good manners must be promoted over a culture of negative or resentful attitudes. The population also needs greater self awareness of various vices and their consequences, although risk/reward concepts are not to be discouraged.
# The Establishment of a National Investment (Industry) Fund to facilitate sovereign productive activity (that can work in cooperation with the Public Bank).
# The Establishment of a Public Bank, such as the Bank of North Dakota, allowing direct control over credit facilitation, including debt forgiveness. A public banking system would protect against money market meltdowns acting as an alternative source of fiat capital. The Public Bank can provide low interest lending throughout select areas of the economy, partnering with community banks, to build infrastructure or in financing public housing projects.
# Requirement of Financial Institutions (Commercial Banks) be insulated from overseas financial market collapses (likely from a Derivatives Market apocalypse, see HERE also) and/or/via the implementation of Glass-Steagall type legislation that separates Investment banks from Commercial Banking.
# The creation of a National Lottery Fund, in partnership with an existing Lottery Corporation, to act like the UK's National Lottery - intended to fund local community or heritage projects.
# Severe restrictions placed on foreign ownership of businesses to no more than 25%. The National Investment Fund, and internal entrepreneurs, can replace this source of capital.
# Taxation on overseas sourced products and components must be set at a higher rate than domestically produced goods.
# Floating Tariffs enacted to protect strategically important industries such as steel and car manufacturing that adjusts upwards or downwards depending on the value of the Australian dollar and takes into account 3rd world wage conditions and the disregard of environmental expenses in these countries. Import quotas, or bans, on particular goods and materials could also be used.
# Tobin Tax placed on financial markets that could potentially generate billions of dollars from speculators and penalise manipulative trading practices.
# Establishment of Laws against using Tax Heavens or other forms of manipulation that unfairly hides profits that have been generated in locations outside of these Tax Havens.
# The establishment of different tax rates between major city regions and rural areas (with a 20 to 40% discount for country areas) to alleviate urban congestion.
# Elimination of negative gearing on property in order to drive investment into industry and businesses - to avoid the creation of a rentier class.
# Ownership of residential property restricted to permanent residents, in order to stop unfair distortions of the domestic housing market. Foreign capital, at the time of writing, is strongly contributing to a housing market bubble and making residential property unaffordable for many citizens. Any substantial downturn in the property market will be absorbed by the Banks, following the example of Iceland, where mortgage debt was reset to 110% of the market rate.
# Immigration levels - are to be kept extremely low to suit economic and environmental needs (on a largely arid continent) - favouring skilled labour - to prevent pressure put upon the domestic economy and services. Importing people that add to unemployment levels or to an underclass of society is to be avoided. All unnecessary immigration must be kept to a minimum to alleviate the strain placed upon (water, infrastructure) resources and to avoid cultural conflict (that is presently evident in Europe). Immigration from countries with incompatible (regressive/non-secular) cultures should largely be stopped. Leaders of our nation must also not use immigration from wealthy sections of much larger countries to inflate house prices or drive apartment building demand that also leads to high density (poor) standards of living. People do not appreciate living like rats, which is one of the reasons (not the only one) we see migration. The existing population, if allowed to vote on the issue of mass migration, would vote against such policies. The bottom line is that no unnecessary stress should be placed on the economy and resources. If deemed economically desirable, money should be allocated to pay for non-citizens to leave the country. For those trying to make a humanitarian argument in favour of mass migration - you cannot fix the problems of the world by "virtuously" inviting in the entire world. That is no way to manage populations or economies. Additionally, it must be remembered that migrating to another country is not a right, it's a privilege.
# The cutting of high level Government salaries across the board (mentioned earlier) at the National, State and Local levels, should occur within a 5 year time frame. There will be an elimination of publicly funded salaries that exceed $150,000 per year, or thereabouts. People should want to serve the state for the greater good, to live modestly, and not join a privileged ruling class that comes at the taxpayer's expense. The State will provide what is needed when in office in order to fulfil various roles. Current $400,000 local government salaries are simply not acceptable.
# Those in public office must be subject to extreme transparency that involves film and/or audio recording of all meetings with various lobbyists (whether from industry or NGOs). It will be illegal to have off the record contacts, with severe consequences to those circumventing the law. All lobbyists must adapt to this new open system. Working in government must be like living in a house with glass walls.
# A ten year ban must be imposed on those who have worked in Government from then operating in any business or industry group with which they've had contacts. This is to prevent the revolving door cronyism that sabotages good decision making. Industry lobbyists of all sorts must be kept at arm's length, so they can be objectively evaluated, and real value-for-money competition allowed. These restrictions should also be applied when it comes to working with foreign nations.
It is essential to recognise that the Economic Foundation, which facilitates the funding of military operations, not be divorced from defence planning. Further to this is the need for people within the country to be on the "same page" and be "pulling together" in defence of the nation and its wealth.
Thanks for visiting Future ADF Page!
As you might be aware, a great deal of what's proposed here, at the linked pages, is wishful thinking. However, with a big imagination some of these things may come to fruition. Please treat this page as a conceptual exercise and change the structure or substitute other equipment choices to suit your own thoughts on how the ADF should be equipped in 2024-2030.
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